Tag: JavaScript
The Magic Of The ES6 Let Keyword
In this post, you’ll learn about the refined scope control provided by the ES6 let keyword. With let, you can keep your variable scope contained within the enclosing block.This can be a great alternative to the enclosing function scope that the var keyword invokes. Using it will allow you to write more resilient code that…
An Intro To The Delightful JavaScript ES6 String Templates
Finally, JavaScript is getting some much-needed improvements. It offers a new feature that will help you create templates from strings. In this post, I’ll provide a super quick introduction to ES6 string templates so you can start using them immediately. I’ll also tell you why they’re one of my favorite new features. One of the…
Why JavaScript ES6 Arrow Functions Will Make You Happy
In this post, I’ll be explaining the exciting changes coming to JavaScript with ES6 arrow functions. After reading this post, you will have a solid understanding of ES6 arrow functions. You will be able to write functions using the new syntax. You will be able to explain its new features to your friends and colleagues.…
You Need To Know That ES6 Has Arrived
I’m convinced that the time to start coding in ECMAScript 6 (ES6) is now. I know a large part of the JavaScript community is waiting for a cue to begin. I’m going to share with you the signals that I’ve been seeing. If you’re not using ES6 yet, hopefully by the end of this post I will…
How To Install Sinon.JS In The Browser With Bower
Just a quick tip for those of you using Bower to install Sinon.JS for unit testing in the browser. Hopefully you’ll avoid scratching your head like I did when things didn’t work out as expected when using the registered Bower package. The solution is sometimes so easy, but it can still take a little time to find.…